Why Lacrosse Is the Top Choice Among Today's Youth Athletes

Curious about why lacrosse has become the preferred sport for high school and college athletes? Searching for a boarding school with a championship-level lacrosse program?

A brief look at the history of organized sports reveals that lacrosse is, by far, the oldest organized sport in North America. According to Wikipedia, nearly four centuries ago, early European settlers adapted a North American Indian stickball game that dated back to the 1200s, shaping it into what we know as lacrosse today. They also bestowed upon it the name "La Crosse" (The Stick), which later merged into its singular-word form. The game took on more formalized rules in 1867, after which it gained prominence as a competitive sport in prestigious prep schools and colleges, primarily in the northeastern United States.

Lacrosse has now risen to the top

Over the decades, the interest and popularity of lacrosse have exploded, both in terms of the number of schools and players involved, as well as its geographic reach. It has become the fastest-growing sport in U.S. high schools and colleges today. Not only has the sport solidified its presence in the NCAA, but it has also given rise to two professional leagues in the past three decades: Major League Lacrosse and the National Lacrosse League."

Vishakha S

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